Coffalyser.Net Data Analysis Software
Installation & Configuration (27)
- How do I download your analysis software?
- How can I reset my Coffalyser.Net login password?
- What does the information in the Coffalyser.Net Server Selection dialog mean?
- What does the colour of a Coffalyser.Net server mean (orange, red, green, grey or white)?
- How can I renew my Coffalyser.Net license?
Data Analysis (26)
- Using Coffalyser.Net to analyse MLPA data
- Reference Manual for Coffalyser.Net
- Video: How to analyse SALSA MLPA data in Coffalyser.Net
- How do I adjust a bin set (create a manual bin set) in Coffalyser.Net?
- What is the difference between a final ratio and an intra ratio percentage, and when and how are they displayed in Coffalyser.Net?
Tips & Tricks for Coffalyser.Net (11)
- What keyboard shortcuts can I use in Coffalyser.Net?
- How do I match digested samples to their undigested counterparts in an MS-MLPA analysis in Coffalyser.Net?
- How can I hide probe information in analysis results and reports in Coffalyser.Net?
- How can I quickly define the sample types in the fragment analysis tab in Coffalyser.Net?
- How can I quickly select samples to use in the comparative analysis in Coffalyser.Net?
Error Messages (9)
- How do I troubleshoot SQL Server errors during installation of Coffalyser.Net?
- How do I solve a "failed to get an exclusive lock" error in Coffalyser.Net?
- How do I solve a "the currently installed license is incompatible with the installed database version" error in Coffalyser.Net?
- How can I fix an error that no printers are installed when trying to generate a PDF report in Coffalyser.Net?
- Why do I receive an ‘Unsupported Windows version detected’ or ‘Unsupported SQL Server version detected’ warning during the installation of Coffalyser.Net?