Can I buy reagents separately?
All MLPA and digitalMLPA reagents can be purchased separately; please view our price list for more i...
Which NGS systems can be used for digitalMLPA?
Our digitalMLPA technique is compatible with all Illumina sequencing platforms. This includes the iS...
Flyer: Predisposition to Cancer Applications
This flyer provides an overview of MLPA® and digitalMLPA™ applications related to predisposition to ...
Flyer: Somatic Cancer Applications
This flyer highlights applications of the SALSA® MLPA® and SALSA® digitalMLPA™ techniques used to te...
Is it possible to use SALSA (digital)MLPA probes on DNA derived from non-human organisms?
No, it is not possible to use SALSA® MLPA® or SALSA® digitalMLPA™ products on non-human derived DNA....
QIAGEN EZ1 Supplementary Protocol for MLPA and digitalMLPA
Some users have reported problems when using DNA extracted by the QIAGEN EZ1 robot. QIAGEN have prov...
Should I measure the concentration of my digitalMLPA library?
Performing a library concentration measurement is not required or recommended, even when combining w...
Where can I find the product descriptions for previous product versions?
Product descriptions for old product versions that are not yet expired will gradually be made availa...
digitalMLPA General Protocol
This is the latest digitalMLPA General Protocol, published online on 04 June 2024. Note This protoc...
Does RNA interfere with (digital)MLPA?
RNA in the DNA sample has no effect on the majority of MLPA and digitalMLPA probemixes. Exceptions a...
What products are available?
MRC Holland offers a wide variety of products that cover a large number of genes and genetic disorde...
How should I store DNA samples?
If you have samples you use frequently, such as reference samples or positive samples, we recommend ...