You can change the report level of one or more probes in the Coffalyser sheet in order to hide the identities of target genes or to exclude certain probes from the results completely. This may be useful if you, for example, do not want to know (or report) which genes are targeted by the reference probes, or if you have good reasons to exclude the results from a specific probe or region from your reports.
Coffalyser.Net offers a number of different report levels. The default settings may differ between products, and even between reference probes and target probes within the same product. The following options are available:
- exclude from report: Completely removes the probe from the results.
- anonymous: Only shows Reference probe or Target probe, but no gene name.
- chromosomal position: Shows the chromosomal band of the target sequence.
- gene name: Shows the gene targeted by the probe.
- gene name + exon number: Shows the gene and exon number targeted by the probe.
- Open the Coffalyser sheet via the Sheet Library and navigate to the Probes tab.
- Right-click in the table with probe information and select Columns: Advanced > Report. This will add a report column to the table.
- For each probe for which you want to change the report level, click on the report column, click on the arrow button, and select the appropriate report level.
- If you excluded one or more probes, right-click in the table and select Probe Order > Reset Based On Current Probe Details to reorder the remaining probes.
- Save the sheet by clicking OK.
You can change the report level of a certain type of probes simultaneously by right-clicking in the table with probe information and selecting the appropriate option under Probe Report Level.
This procedure is explained in more detail in Appendix IV of the Reference Manual.